Case Study:
Pepe Saya - The Round Butter
We really did have fun with this one. The client was really trusting and allowed us to take full creative lead on the idea and how we would approach it.
We knew straight away that we needed to take ownership of the issue. And so we decided to fully lean in to it and set Pepe Saya up as "The Round Butter". It was clearly a really strong USP and differentiator if only we could communicate it clearly enough.
We therefore needed this video to be playable over and over again across multiple channels, in cinemas and online, WITHOUT IRRITATING THE AUDIENCE! And we're firm believers that one of the best ways to do this is through comedy.
The Australian sense of humour is quite similar to the British. Self deprecation and not taking yourself too seriously traditionally goes a long way towards keeping your audience sweet, and so this is the angle we took. Multiple, slightly zany, but totally believable and diverse characters, all who clearly love the butter, but don't actually know what it's called (risky but it paid off) asking for it by the one characteristic we're trying to communicate clearly - "The Round Butter".
The client:
At the time Pepe Saya came to us they were a small to medium sized owner-run business manufacturing and selling delicious artisanal cultured butter in Australia for the Australian market. They were growing well and had even managed to get their product onto Qantas Airlines flights. They had previously worked with another company for a TV ad that was, in their words, very "safe" (churning milk, spreading butter, homely voiceover etc) but were keen to explore other ways of marketing their products that better aligned with their more characterful brand.
The brief:
Aside from wanting to move away from cliche butter ads of times gone by, they came to us with a very specific messaging and communication issue that they wanted us to help them fix in a Plucky way.
See, their butter is sold in rounds. And although people who have tried and now buy the product absolutely love it, and continue to buy it once they're hooked, being round, potential customers who weren't familiar with the brand and the product yet were mistaking it for cheese (butter more traditionally being sold in blocks)!
And so here was our mission: establish a new look, feel and voice for the Pepe Saya marketing effort, and get across to their customers that they are round and proud!

The plan:
The result:
Needless to say the finished product was a hit, cut into a 15 sec, 30 sec, and a radio edit.
The client ended up running the ad several times, on TV, online, on socials, in cinemas, at filling stations, and even over seas across Asia and into the US as they expanded their growth to reach new territories. It was even featured as an example in an ad by Channel 9 for TV advertising space.
The "Now Stocking Pepe Saya - The Round Butter" sign at the end of the film was also turned in to a real thing and given out to delis and retailers who were stocking the product to put up in their windows. It also featured on the side of busses and on billboards.
Overall the client was very happy with the final result and has continued work with us on further projects, despite the 10,500 miles between us!